Thursday, February 18, 2010


The time is getting closer. It is amazing how fast the time goes. This Saturday I will be 6months pregnant. I can't believe it. I remember last year, all those times when I would wait and wait for the right time to take a pregnancy test hoping that it would be positive! I can't believe that it is already half over - this pregnancy. It is more than half over! Wow. Only 114 days left. And tomorrow, we have another ultrasound. I think that my due date may be pushed further back though because they said that at my last ultrasound a month ago, the baby was measuring a little smaller than I think it should have. I'm excited to see what they say tomorrow.

I'm babysitting a friend of the family right now. She is about 6 months old. It is awesome to watch her develop. When I first started babysitting her a few weeks ago she could barely sit up on her own. Now, all she wants to do is sit up! I'm watching her right now chew on a toy and sitting there in the front room without a care in the world - especially one that could make her fall over. She is such a professional at it! And, to think, in 9 more months, I will probably be witnessing this with our child.

We don't know if it is a boy or a girl. I will be happy with either one, and as everyone says "as long as it is happy and healthy." Although, I am kindof secretly hoping for a boy because I really like boys. At least at this stage. I don't know if I can handle all the princess-y crap that little girls are so into these days. And so much PINK! I mean, c'mon! Do we really have to buy everything pink for little girls? I admit, I am coming around to the thought of more pink, and even have incorporated it a little into my wardrobe (something completely unheard of a while ago), but do we really need to buy so much pink for little girls? Also, I don't want to have to deal with all that princess/Disney/dress-up stuff. I mean, SO MUCH STUFF! Not to mention some of those dress up gowns run over $50 a piece! Can you believe that? When we were at Disneyland a while ago, I was so shocked at how much those dress up costumes were. Oh well. I guess we just have to be happy with what we get.

On the other hand, we had an ultrasound last Friday and my doctor called with the results and wants yet another one this coming up month. It scares me a little, but then again it doesn't because if there was something to be worried about, I think they might have made me come in a little earlier. And, on the bright side, we get to see the baby again! I don't think I am going to bring my husband though because I think he is getting a little bored of these appointments. Plus, then I can bring the boy over to my Dad's house so he can have a little quality time with him. Should be fun.

Today is cloudy and overcast - another welcomed wintery day. And, today is one of my favorite days of the week - yoga day!

Gotta go get ready.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I swear, when that child sleeps, he is the cutest thing in the WORLD!

I just want to curl up right next to him and spoon him until he wakes up - but that would probably wake him up anyway.

I want to kiss his little face and feel his forehead and smooth out his wispy hair.

He looks like a little angel when he sleeps.

I bet everyone says that, but boy oh boy, he is so scrumptious I want to eat him up with chocolate sauce and sprinkles on top!

Anyway, yesterday was the super bowl. It wasn't too exciting. We went to a house that was soooo far out of town it was a long drive. But, the house was really nice. I wish we lived in a house that nice. I didn't get to see the upstairs, but I bet it was pretty cool. I wouldn't even mind the drive I don't think. It had a humongous backyard with a pool and two grassy areas. Sheesh - one of these days.

Brannan got sick last night too. He woke up at 1 kindof coughing and I felt him and he was pretty hot. I took a few covers off of him but he woke up at 2 saying he had "boogies" and needed to blow his nose. Byron picked him up and he started hacking and then threw up the 2 brownies he had for dinner. He was really hot too. Over 100 degrees. So, I stripped him and put him in some new jammies and we watched Shrek. We finally got to bed about 3:45 and he woke up at 7:30. He is still kinda hot today and super snotty so we are sticking close to home today. He is napping now and I need to go and take one too.

There is a pot roast in the slow cooker and it feels like winter today.

The baby is kicking and making me want ice cream.

I better do something about all this...

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Last night was a huge milestone.

Brannan pooped in the toilet!!!!

I know, I know, TMI - but I have to record this somewhere.

Honestly, I think it was a bit of an accident, but hey, at least he was on the toilet and we didn't have to toss another poopy diaper in the trash!

Daddy was getting him ready for the bath, sat him wide-legged on the toilet so he could pee and then voila! A nice little log came out!

We were running around the house shrieking for joy and offering treats and chocolates because of this huge accomplishment. We put him to bed praising his wonderful BM.

Then today, I take him to lunch, sit him down in the chair and catch a whiff of his nasty pants.


Back to the drawing board.