Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I'm not ready.

But, I am ready.

I am currently sitting on the couch, in front of the fan, listening to a quiet house that has two sleeping kids and a sleeping dog in it, experiencing contractions. My water hasn't broke yet, I think it is just Braxton Hicks contractions, but man, this hour has been full of them. Plus, they have been pretty frequent and are long in duration. It is right across my midsection too.

I wonder if you are going to come a little early, little baby. Probably not - I think I'm just getting ready. Plus, there is a whole 18 days left to go. That is almost half a month. But, I guess we will see.

I'm making banana bread so the house smells good too.

Oh, and on a positive note - this "spring" has been so excellent for us. Not hot at all. And, we had an awesome cold front come through this past weekend that really cooled things off. Two days of having the doors and windows open all day this late in May is pretty unheard of. I am so thankful though that it hasn't been hot. Being pregnant and hot isn't too much fun. Luckily there is only 18 (more or less) days left. Then I can cool off with a nice cocktail. Ha ha!

I feel like your bedroom is almost finished. I just need to get some shelves for your wall. I feel bad that you don't have a closet, but I guess that is ok - Brannan never really used his closet until this past year anyway, and doesn't really use it - I mainly use it to hang his stuff up. You both could probably use the same closet, but I'll see what I can do with some shelving on your walls. I'm sorry you are going to have to look at a gun safe and a computer desk and an extra queen bed - but I'm sure we will have lots of fun hanging out on the bed together. Probably not too much fun with the gun safe (although your father will probably disagree) or the computer, but hey, we have to put them somewhere. Our house is pretty small, like really small, but yanno what? It is a lot better than what a lot of other people have. We have a pool and our own house and our own yard and we can paint the walls whatever color we want and we can destroy our walls with pictures and stickers and not have to worry about it. And, at least you have your own room! You don't have to share it with your brother.


Hee hee.

I bet you will want to share it with your brother when you get a little older. There is a pretty cool bunk bed setup in there. You just wait and see.

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