Thursday, January 21, 2010


Wow! The days sure are flying by lately. All of our visitors have left today. It seems like 10 days just flew by, and we didn't even get half of the projects done that we wanted to. Oh well, at least we got the flooring in and half of the countertops. One of the countertops didn't work out so well, so it will need to be redone. Fun fun.

We had an ultrasound on Tuesday.

Here you are little puddin pie...

Mommy drew some funny stuff on your face.

Daddy and I think you are a little boy - mostly because everyone else thinks you are going to be a girl. At the ultrasound, the technician looked at your privates, but we didn't! We looked at each other and giggled a little bit knowing that in 142 days you are going to show them to us and let us know who you really are.

I posted this picture out on Facebook too. Not too many people commented on it. I guess they didn't find it as funny as I did. Oh well.

Today we are having a major storm. All this week things have been rainy and windy and wet. I love it, but unfortunately we had visitors from the northlands who didn't really need to see clouds and rain. Oh well - I can't predict the weather. I made lots of food and tried to keep everyone happy. Sunday was a really tough day for me. Up early for the marathon, then cooking, then running around the marathon for 2 hours looking for people, then hosting a little party. Whew - I was dog tired! I haven't been that tired in quite some time, honestly.

So, now I am catching up on all the laundry and things are kindof back to normal. Daddy is reading a bedtime story to the big boy and then putting him to bed (in his OWN bed tonight!). Brannan has been in our room in his pack and play, but man, he is a light sleeper - AND he talks in his sleep! He was talking about ice cream last night around 2am. He just kept saying "my ice cream mommy" and I would say "shhhhhhhh, it is still night night time" and he kept saying it so finally I said "ok, brannan, now go to sleep." Too funny.

Anyway, nothing major happened while everyone was here on vacation. Just the regular stuff. Lots of visits to the zoo, the parks and a museum. We went to Disney on Ice one night and the kids really liked it, I think. It was cute to see.

I am so tired tonight I am going to bed early in my clean sheets! Nothing better than clean sheets on a tired night.

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